DevOps is the practice of Operations and Development Engineers participating together in the entire service lifecycle, from design through the development process to production support.

SMB Agile Consulting provide coaching and training on how to help your organization accelerate application delivery by adopting DevOps principles, these include:

·  Infrastructure Automation – create your systems, Operating System configurations, and application deployments as code.

·  Continuous Delivery – build, test, deploy your applications in a fast and automated manner.

·  Site Reliability Engineering – operate your systems; monitoring and orchestration, also designing for operability in the first place.

Training consists of the following:

·  Core DevOps Principles & Practices

·  Business & Technology Frameworks

·  Culture, Behaviours & Operational Models

·  Automation & Architecting DevOps Tool Chains

·  Value Stream Mapping

·  Measurement, Metrics & Reporting